Successful developed projects

MEDIPA’s experts and interdisciplinary partner networks develop your project from the idea to the finished product.

purelyft energized - your drinks with clean caffeine

We began with the production, developed a disposable and finally developed a machine to bag the package.

The triangular shaped Disposable is filled with pure caffeine in powder form, thereafter it is filled and sealed. For simple handling, the disposable is perforated on one side, so that the caffeine can mix in with the drink while stirring. This opening is sealed before use by label.

The production is carried out with a rotary transfer machine. The machine picks up two products at a time in the product carrier, fills them and closes them with a lid. Subsequently, the product is handed over to the bag machine, which forms and closes a stickpack around the product.


rose plastic medical packaging

launches innovative packaging sleeve with double sterile barrier for implants

As part of the validation mandate for the novel packaging sleeve, MEDIPA Engineering was able to develop and build a customer-specific leak tester to ASTM F2338 for product safety. The tightness of this packaging sleeve ensures that the new seal closure meets the impermeability requirements of the medical device industry.

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Development consulting for the construction of a low-temperature sterilizer

To expand the portfolio of a Swiss medical technology manufacturer to include a low-temperature sterilizer, MEDIPA Engineering was involved in the mechanical revision of the existing prototype. The aim of this new sterilization process was to demonstrably sterilize complex surgical instruments that are sensitive to heat and humidity with low temperatures and low use of chemicals.

Revelar Device

US startup Revelar develops revolutionary breathing gas analyzer

Working together in a consortium of product development, diagnostics, injection molding manufacturers and series suppliers, MEDIPA was able to supervise the disposable development and the construction of a manual production machine. The aim was to collect the breathing air introduced by the patient in a Breath-Bag (Disposable), so that it can then be accumulated in the Breath-Cartridge (Disposable). In a HPLC process, the respiratory air was then detected using biomarkers. A reagent container (disposable) is used to store the chemicals. All of these disposables were developed by MEDIPAAustrian startup Liimtec develops PocketDefi

With our partner for injection molding product development and an electronics manufacturer, MEDIPA stepped up as an expert in the development of disposable prototypes. The aim was to develop a disposable electrode attachment that is recognized when pushed on and can only be used once due to the tamper-evident closure. The attachment should be easy to open in an emergency and protect the electrodes against weather, bumps in the handbag and falling down.

Austrian startup Liimtec develops PocketDefi

With our partner for injection molding product development and an electronics manufacturer, MEDIPA stepped up as an expert in the development of disposable prototypes. The aim was to develop a disposable electrode attachment that is recognized when pushed on and can only be used once due to the tamper-evident closure. The attachment should be easy to open in an emergency and protect the electrodes against weather, roughness in the handbag and falling down.

liimtec Defi

Our work and services cover all areas. From consulting and analysis to conception and complete machine and product completion.



Die vertikale Beutelmaschine bildet Folienbeutel in Form eines Stickpacks als Verpackung um Ihr Produkt. Dabei kann diese nicht nur zum Verpacken von Stückgütern, sonder auch für flüssige und pulverförmige Produkte genutzt werden. Die Breite des Sticks ist dabei innerhalb eines Formats fixiert. Die Länge kann hingehen per Touch geändert werden.



Die modulare Rundtaktmaschine ist unsere Allzweckswaffe in Sachen Montieren. Ob händisch oder automatisierte Zuführung der zu montieren Produkte, die Rundtaktmaschine nimmt im getankten Betrieb Ihre Produkte auf und erledigt in variabler Anzahl und Einteilung der Montageoperatioen die Montage bis zum fertigen Produkt. Zu den Operationen gehören viele Handlings-, Befüllungs- und Verschliessprozesse





Im niedrigen Leistungsbereich bieten wir Ihnen unsere kostengünstige Blistermaschine mit pneumatischem Tiefziehprozess und servogesteuertem Produktvorschub an. Im Hochleistungsbereich und bei komplexeren Applikationen setzen wir eine Blistermaschine unseres Partners ein und Applizieren diese auf Ihre Anforderungen und Integrieren diese in die gesamte Produktionsanlage.